About Bluegrass Roller
Bluegrass Roller Service can trace its origins back to Meisner Roller, founded in 1981. Joining the company as a salesman in 1994, Scott Dixon had the opportunity to learn the business from the ground up. Later purchasing the company in 1998 was an easy decision for Scott and his father, Art. Marking a new era, the company has since made vast improvements in their physical equipment as well as customer service.
Committed to meeting and exceeding our customer’s expectations, Bluegrass Roller Service fosters a quality mindset through education, training, coaching, and effective communication. Designed to ensure that customer requirements are known, documented, and achieved, each employee is required to complete 500 hours of documented training. Guaranteeing quality throughout every step of the roller building process, this approach allows Bluegrass Roller Service to provide excellent customer service to their customers, as well as match the best roller compound to the application, while also remaining cost efficient.

Bluegrass Roller Service can trace its origins back to 1981, when Maury Meisner, then owner of Kentucky Machine and Tool, founded Meisner Roller Company, a 3,500 square-foot facility. Scott Dixon joined the company as a salesman in 1994, giving him the opportunity to learn the business from the ground up. Realizing the company's untapped potential, it was an easy decision for Scott and his father, Art, to later purchase the business when Maury decided to sell in 1998.

In September of 1999, they relocated to a 9,000 square-foot plant in Shelbyville, Kentucky, with only five other employees. Making a half-million-dollar investment in state-of-the-art equipment, they added an electric Autoclave, Grinder/Groover, and Strip Builder to their inventory, resulting in improved quality, as well as increased capacity and capabilities.

Once again outgrowing their facility, Meisner Roller Company moved to a 20,000 square-foot building in September of 2007, consisting of twelve employees. Consolidating the office and plant into one central location, Meisner Roller Company began doing business as Bluegrass Roller Service.

The decision was made in early March of 2020, during one of the worst pandemics in a hundred years, to build a new, state of the art roller shop. Bluegrass Roller Service and its team of twenty-eight employees, moved into their new, 42,000 square-foot home in January of 2021.